The Bloody Chamber- By Angela Carter

The book cover is certainly an intriguing one. Since the time it was published, it has had many covers, the one I got was the one where on a black background, a woman wearing a red cape is shown and we can see her naked legs. On the back of the cape, the title is written. When I first saw it, I didn’t think much about it. I haven’t read what the story is all about, just knew it has a fantasy element.

A reader of today’s generation, where vampires and werewolves are romanticized, I thought there was a high chance the story would be something about a hidden chamber and some supernatural elements wrapped in it.

The story is about a young bride who is going to a faraway island where her husband’s castle awaits her, her fear and excitement for her future, and her enigma of a partner. This story is inspired by folk tales and fairy tale elements. And if you are into dark retellings, this could be a good choice. A short book that could be finished quickly and leave a distinct taste in your mouth.

Certainly, the story grips you and you are anxious as it unfolds with the protagonist as you aren’t aware exactly where the story is leading up to, the girl even though is young has her instincts in her that keep screaming at her but she chooses to avoid them and that’s relatable. How many times, you have stopped yourself from doubting your closed one and just blamed it all in your head? The girl is practical and she chooses to marry a guy much older than her in the hopes of having a comfortable life but as the story progresses, she realizes it was all her fantasy. Being rich doesn’t make you happy and she longs for her mother who knew all along that her daughter might be making a mistake but let her live the life and make her own choices which is a very tough job. Even though her appearance was less, she gave the kind of hope only a mother could provide in her embrace. The protagonist and her insecurity of not being able to match up to the standards raised by her husband’s ex-wives and her rebel as she did what she felt like even in a foreign place trying to stand her small feet by finding solace in music was beautiful.

It was a short poignant story, written in clever words that you would always try to find hidden meanings in them.

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Dreamer. Writer. Foodie. Reader.

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